Art al Vent2024 arriba, a partir de divendres 28 de juny, acompanyat d’una variada programació cultural, organitzada per la regidoria de Cultura , per convidar a veïns i visitants a aprofitar els carrers i gaudir de les obres exposades a poqueta nit.
LLEGA ART AL VENT 2024 CON CAMBIO DE FECHASLa regidora de Cultura, Àngels Soler ha presentado, esta mañana, junto con el coordinador, Josep Ginestar, Art al Vent 2024 que este año celebra su XXI edición con un adelanto de fechas como principal novedad. La muestra de arte ...
The councillourship of Culture of Gata de Gorgos City council summons the 21st edition of the international exposure of textile art Art al Vent After 20 years of exposure and with the will to go growing and improving the experience so much to take part as to visit Art al Vent, from the coordination...
The councillorship of Culture of the City council of Gata wants to recover all his splendour and go back to the normality with the XIX edition of the exposure of Art al the Vent that will be ready to visit in the street La Bassa from the 12th August until 4th September. The councillor of Culture, &A...
The Councilor of Culture of Gata de Gorgos calls for the 18th edition of Art Al Vent with the publication of the rules for the call. In addition, the registration period has been opened and may be completed until 17 January 2021. The rules can be found in THE REGISTER SECTION on the website where y...
Gata presents its riskiest edition of Art al Vent The Council of Culture of Gata presented this morning the edition of Art al Vent that will be exhibited in La Bassa street from August 14th to September 6th. Angels Soler, the councillor of culture, said this morning that in this edition, front the...
Start the countdown to make Art al Vent XVII a reality and fill calle La Bassa of Gata de Gorgos with the works of the different authors from all over the world. The 2020 edition has not been without difficulties that the global crisis due by the Coronavirus pandemic has caused that many authors wh...
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